Hotel Industry Benchmark: the fastest homepages

The speed with which a Web page renders for each customer is a critical factor influencing the online customer experience. Many times, a Web site homepage is the customer's first impression of a larger experience including branding, customer service and hospitality.

The Hotel Industry Benchmark measures the response time of competitive hotel Web sites by illustrating the fastest possible speed of homepages as measured from Network Data Center backbones compared with high speed, broadband and dial-up speeds experienced by actual customers accessing these sites on the Internet.

Gómez tests the performance of each Web site using a proprietary software agent over our performance monitoring infrastructure, which measures site performance from more than 10,000 locations around the globe. URL tests are conducted at 60-minute intervals from multiple data centers and user desktops across the nation and aggregated to formulate benchmarks.

Response Time metrics report on the time elapsed while downloading the entire Web page (including all embedded objects) and takes into account the time necessary to translate data into a format that browsers can read. Each month, Gómez reports on industry trends in performance, identifying congestion across the Internet as well as site-specific degradation or improvement

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